Thursday, November 11, 2010

Found Food :: A Doctoral Dissertation :: Bribery with Food

This week has been low on tech time for me, thus only this post so far. My husband defended his doctoral dissertation today and I provided the food for the "event". Don't you think that possibly contentious or even high-stress events are eased with a complimentary presentation of breads, cheeses and grapes? I added the cupcakes from Cupcake Chic (Orem, Utah) to add a little sweet tooth to the spread. In my previous life I catered events and I can't just hide that part of me away when I have the opportunity to share food in a pleasant way. 

This time it wasn't in an elegant setting, but I liked adding a little flair to a doctoral dissertation defense!

And whether it was the food or the presenter (I'm sure it had a lot to do with the presenter), my husband passed his defense!

Picture from my phone


  1. First, if ever I do a doctoral defense, will you please cater it? Second, congrats to you and Adam both for passing! That's awesome news.

  2. That is a sure thing. Maybe I should start a side business - doctoral defense caterer... hmmm. Thanks!

  3. love this... splitting my awe between this and the plunger outhouses a few posts down as I enjoy your craftiness!

    it was great to enjoy Boot Camp with you!!

  4. Cute blog! Just popping over to say hi! It was great to meet you at my table at Boot Camp on Saturday :)
